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  • Your own tree and birdhouse as a gift - the forest thanks you



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    Buy your very own tree and birdhouse or give as a gift - the Finnish forest thanks you, SunSilva

    A unique gift for those who appreciate nature, regardless of age or place of residence

    Now you can buy your own tree and birdhouse from a Finnish forest as a gift for a friend or yourself. Ownership of the tree will be transferred to you and a Jätkä-Juho birdhouse with a wooden slab will be installed on it. You will receive a framed certificate that tells you the exact location of the tree with coordinates. The birdhouse is maintained every year. You can visit your tree at any time! This is how you protect one tree in Finland's forests and give the birds a home!

    SunSilva Oy works as a seller of trees. The trees are located on SunSilva's farm in Taivalkoski, near the Lapland border. The farm ID is 832-406-30-12 Silta-Aho and the address is Posiontie 318, Taivalkoski. Silta-Aho is SunSilva Oy's old-growth forest. Your own tree lives protected in a Finnish old-growth forest.

    SunSilva Oy is a forestry company founded by forestry expert Jori Alasirniö. SunSilva's goal is to increase the forest area on suitable soils where planting has not been done or has failed in some way. Areas that serve as planting areas bring additional forest area, such as old disused fields, meadows, disused peat production areas and other wasteland areas.

    After purchasing the tree and birdhouse from SunSilva:

    • We will engrave your desired text on a heart-shaped wooden slab (e.g. Name or Date)
    • The identification plate is attached to the bird cage and the cage is installed on a clean piece of wood
    • The tree in question is photographed and Google Maps coordinates are taken from it
    • The certificate is completed and contains the name of the tree owner, a description and coordinates of the tree and a photo of the tree in question
    • The certificate is mailed framed to the buyer or gift recipient

    SunSilva's story and other products

    SunSilva was founded by forestry expert Jori Alasirniö. SunSilva Oy is a family business from Taivalkoski and its business is the production of emission compensation services. Read more and see other products...

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 2 reviews
    Leena S.
    Puu ja pönttö

    Annoin valmistujaislahjaksi luontoa arvostavalle ja suojelevalle ihmiselle, jolla on jo kaikkea. Mainio lahja, saaja tykkäsi kovasti.

    Ihana kuulla, että oma puu ja linnunpönttö oli mieleinen lahja. Kiitos paljon Leena palautteesta ♥!

    Annamari S.
    Pönttö puuttuu

    Ostokseni olisi muuten täydellinen mutta plakaatissa ei mainita linnunpönttöä ollenkaan, siitä pitkä miinus! Kun on olemassa kahdenlaista vaihtoehtoa, pelkkä puu tai puu plus pönttö. niin pitäisi plakaattejakin olla oma molemmille vaihtoehdoille. Vai tuliko minulle väärä plakaatti? Asian ennättää vielä korjata jos näin on.

    Kiitos paljon palautteesta Annamari ♥! Tästä otettiin heti opiksi, ja plakaattiin tehdään muutoksia, jotta Linnunpönttö tulee selvästi mukaan. Saat uuden plakaatin piakkoin postissa. Kiitos arvokkaasta palautteesta, jolla SunSilva voi kehittää Oma puu-tuotetta paremmaksi ♥!