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  • Each of us has our own eco-deed

    Tundra Natural luonnonsaippuat

    The amount of plastic waste has been talked about a lot lately. It's a good thing, because it seems like this world will soon be drowning in plastic garbage and the world's oceans will be taken over by giant plastic garbage rafts. We Finns are also very accustomed to using plastic. But fortunately, our habits are also starting to change and many of us take a bag with us when grocery shopping, and we don't always take/buy a new plastic bag. And you don't have to put frozen products in an extra bag, but they and other purchases will make it all the way home anyway ;-)

    Big companies in the world have also woken up and are starting to take responsibility for environmental issues. For example, Starbucks will get rid of plastic straws in its drinks and has created a new cover for its mugs, where straws are not needed. By 2020, Starbucks will be plastic straw-free thanks to new lids and paper straws. Carlsberg , on the other hand, has developed an adhesive that can be used to glue six pack cans together instead of a plastic ring. This way they will save 60 million plastic bags of plastic per year.

    Carlsberg to reduce plastic waste

    Giant vacuum cleaners are currently being tested in the world's oceans for plastic waste. Now 09.09. System 001 left San Francisco Bay for the first test run in the Pacific Ocean. Great hopes are placed on these vacuum cleaners. In five years, up to 50% of the plastic waste in the oceans could be collected with the help of giant vacuum cleaners. However, this is still not the solution to how to get microplastic particles out of the world's nature.

    Leave a footprint not rubbish

    We can all start saving the world from small things. One small thing is, for example, to use bar soap instead of liquid soap. Liquid soap is often packed in plastic bottles or other plastic packaging. You can get bar soap from us in a paper bag or a paper box. When choosing bar soap, you can do another eco-deed and choose natural soap. This ensures that the soap does not contain e.g. exfoliating plastic microparticles or other ingredients that destroy nature. And these natural soaps are not only a good eco-product, but they also bring you a little bit of luxury every day!

    Tundra Natural natural soap

    I challenge you to think about how you can recycle more efficiently and how you can reduce your own use of plastic.


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