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    This is what we have been thinking about, how much the same disposable goods, which can also be manufactured locally, are brought to different countries for sale. Quite a consumption load. Usually that stuff is cheaply made under questionable conditions. There was a time when you didn't have to think about this yet. It has changed. The earth is currently in trouble for many reasons, and this is one of the reasons: disposable goods even move back and forth from one country to another.

    Valona design blue Crystal 3D earrings

    This can be influenced by buying sustainable, locally produced products. Here in Finland, we can buy more Finnish products. At the same time, Finnish work and jobs are supported. Sometimes you have to look for these Finnish treasures a bit. They are sold in many stores, but they should be displayed more.

    Our online store is one more addition to this group. Let's remind you how good products are made in Finland even by small manufacturers. High-quality, inventive, ethically considered. If we buy something, we prefer to buy durable domestic rather than disposable foreign.

    All products of The Finland Shop are designed and manufactured in Finland.

    #Made in Finland


    Certain textiles are designed in Finland and manufactured in the Baltic States, because there is no way to find sewing factories in Finland for everyone who wants them. In any case, the origin of all textiles is Finnish.

    Miiko design birch serving box cutting board

    Now. Then let's go to the other side of the story. They also want to buy Finnish products abroad. Nordic design is interesting and famous. Yes, we want to sell these high-quality products also abroad and still stand with our backs straight with that initial story. Finnish products are unique, durable, and made in good working conditions. The joy of a sustainable product can be shared with the world. So they are not kept hidden here in Finland.

    Langø grey-white wool blanket

    Design from Finland , the Union of Finnish Work does valuable work for Finnish products. Finnish design is actively sold to the world, and we will play our part in it. Finnish designers deserve visibility in the world. Because here, if anywhere, they know how to make something sustainable, beautiful and ethical with a northern twist. Usually on the internet they give a 'cuteness warning', we give a 'nordicdesign warning'. After all, it takes time!



    Stay tuned!


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    Our story

    We founded The Finland Shop only and only for Finnish products, because we think that domestic products are not always easy to find. Still, many of us would like to choose a domestic product whenever possible.

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    We have received a huge amount of feedback and reviews about our products and we are very grateful for that. An unbiased user rating is one of the most important pieces of information a buyer can get about a product.

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